The co-op plans to accept distillery members, see faq page for updates!
Badger State Winery Cooperative is basically an administrative entity allowing small wineries to comply with state law. Individual wineries handle their own sales with the convenience and flexibility to set their own wholesale case prices, generate their own invoices via our online invoicing system and deliver product on their own schedule.
We encourage member-to-member networking to help promote tasting rooms of fellow members and exposure to new markets. And we support our members in their individual marketing efforts without imposing a financial burden by the cooperative.
Our core principals are:
-Operate on a sound financial basis for the long-term benefit of the members/owners and key stakeholders.
-Pursue growth and expansions of the cooperative in order to better meet the needs of the cooperative members/owners.
-Manage the cooperative in an open, democratic manner that respects the views and rights of the members/owner.
-Cooperate with other cooperatives by sharing experience and information.
Costs & Fees Associated with Ownership
Onetime ownership fair share of $500
$1 fee per case (9L) sold through the cooperative as of April 1, 2022
3% bank fee charged back to each member winery based on individual wholesale case price you set
NO marketing assessments